
Pensill – sérþarfir


2.200 kr.3.200 kr.
1.760 kr.2.560 kr.

Penslar fyrir einstaklinga sem eiga erfitt með að mála með hefðbundnum penslum

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Nokkrar mismundandi gerðir af sérstökum penslum.

Hér má finna mismunandi gerðir af penslum sem henta bæði fyrir börn og fullorðna með sérþarfir eða einstaklinga sem eiga erfitt með að halda á venjulegum penslum.

Ergo – Ergonomically Shaped Paintbrushes
These 2 brushes are used in occupational therapy. The special shaped handle makes them an excellent choice for children and adults with a motor limitation and/or handicap. The perfect balance incorporated in these brushes also facilitates foot painting. These brushes are available with a round or flat brush and are provided with a brown wax coating.
Stærð, hringlaga-hár: lengd u.þ.b. 21 cm, breidd u.þ.b. 10 mm
Stærð, flöt-hár: lengd u.þ.b. 21 cm, breidd pensilhára 16 mm
Pensill - sérþarfir

Egglaga – Special Egg-shaped Paintbrushes

These brushes have a short and thick handle, which ensure that they are easy and comfortable to hold. The special shape makes them ideal for children and adults with mobility impairments and/or disabilities. Due to these characteristics they are also used in occupational therapy. The brushes are available with a round or flat brush and are equipped with a brown wax coating.
Stærð, flöt-hár: lengd u.þ.b. 13 cm, breidd pensilhára 16 mm
Stærð, hringlaga-hár: lengd u.þ.b. 13 cm, breidd u.þ.b. 10 mm
Pensill - sérþarfir

Beygður – Special Curved Paintbrushes
These paintbrushes with special curved grip are particularly suitable for children and adults who find it hard to use a straight-handled brush due to impaired motor skills or other difficulties. The paintbrush is widely used in the ergo-therapy sector. The special curved grip paintbrush is available in cow hair and are ideal for the wet-on-wet painting technique.
Stærð: lengd u.þ.b. 32 cm, breidd pensilhára 18 mm


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