Weaving With Children


3.550 kr.

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Weaving With Children

Höfundur: Ute Fischer
Ensk þýðing: Anna Cardwell

Weaving is a creative and practical art that’s great fun for all ages and abilities. This original book shows you how to weave a wonderful variety of objects — special jewellery, a pretty bag, juggling balls, a snug scarf and even a scary spider in its web.

Some of the items have handy everyday uses — a phone pocket, a mug warmer and a coin purse — and some are just great fun — fairyland mushrooms, a dreamcatcher and an Easter hen.

Each enjoyable project is accompanied by easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions and colour photos showing children how to weave with a variety of materials from traditional wool, to rags and plastic bags.

Ideal for parents or teachers, the projects are most suitable for children aged 7 to 14 years old.


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