Stockmar stiftlitir – 8 lita waldorfsett


2.300 kr.

Box úr málmi með 8 vaxlitum í stiftformi

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Box úr málmi með 8 vaxlitum í stiftformi. Stærð litanna er 83 mm á lengd og þvermálið er 12 mm.

Settið inniheldur eftirfarandi liti sem valdir eru út frá Waldorf fræðum:

  • carmine red
  • vermillion
  • orange
  • golden yellow
  • lemon yellow
  • green
  • ultramarine
  • red violet

Settinu fylgir einnig skrapari (scrapers).


Stockmar Wax Crayons. Everyone has heard of Stockmar Wax Crayons. It is no surprise. They meet the highest educational, aesthetic and artistic demands. Elegant design with an attractive packaging and pleasant fragrance, Stockmar Wax Crayons appeal to the child’s senses. How the colours shine and how versatile they are! Whether drawing, painting, generously applying, layering, scraping, and melting colours, Stockmar Wax Crayons promise years of pure drawing pleasure. Outstanding drawing properties (no crumbling, sticking, smudging etc) non-toxic and a sound concept for art education are what make Stockmar Wax Crayons top of the list.