Pensill – leikskólastærð


2.280 kr.

Pensill í stærð sem hentar sérstaklega vel fyrir börn á leikskólaaldri

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Flatur pensill með stuttu haldi sem hentar sérstaklega vel fyrir leikskólabörn.

Vandaður pensill með náttúrulegu haldi úr hvíttuðu tré og mjúkum gerfi nautgripahárum.

Pensillinn hentar mjög vel fyrir alla blaut málun eins og t.d. blautt-á-blautt málun, en hentar einnig líka fyrir þurrmálun, olíu, akríl, o.s.f.

Stærð: breidd 22 mm og lengd u.þ.b. 21 cm.

Með góðri umhirðu getur pensillinn enst mjög lengi.


Mercurius has found a brush that is truly a breakthrough in the field of synthetic brushes which can be perfectly used for veiling, watercolouring and wet-on-wet painting. This brush is not only equal to our natural brushes (polecat,cow and boar brushes), but even exceeds their capabilities in certain areas. The brushes are soft, flexible, resistant to deformation and the absorption and release capacity is amazingly high. These brushes are of a very high quality because of the amazing painting conditions, FSC certification and the fact that synthetic hair contributes to the sparing of animal hair.
We truly recommend this paintbrush for wet techniques but also for the use of dry paints, oil, acrylic and so on. It is often very hard for children to keep a long handle properly balanced in their small hands. With this in mind, we have included a special, short-handled brush in our range. The brush has soft bristles made of synthetic cow hair and a rust proof, closed ferrule and is finished with a white wax coating.


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