
Encaustic Art – Painting Cards, hvítar arkir


1.390 kr.5.190 kr.
1.112 kr.4.152 kr.

Húðaðar pappírsarkir sérstaklega hannaðar fyrir Encaustic Art vax-málun, mismunandi stærðir í boði

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Pappír sérstaklega hannaður fyrir Encaustic Art vax-málun.

Hvítar 300 g/m² arkir húðaðar á báðum hliðum.

Margar stærðir í boði sem fást bæði stakar og í blönduðum pakka.

Hver pakki inniheldur 50, 70 eða 100 arkir.


  • A6 stærð – 14,8 x 10,5 cm (póstkortastærð)
  • A5 stærð – 21 x 14,8 cm
  • A4 stærð – 29,7 x 21 cm
  • A3 stærð – 42 x 29,7 cm


Blandaði pakkinn innihdlur 70 arkir í eftirfarandi stærðum (Mix)

  • 40 arkir – A6 stærð (14,8 x 10,5 cm)
  • 20 arkir – A5 stærð (21 x 14,8 cm)
  • 10 arkir – A4 stærð (29,7 x 21 cm)

Aðrar upplýsingar



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Double sided white 300gms weight. This white card has a carefully manufactured surface that makes it perfect for working with the iron and other heating tools, using the wax block colours. The waxes are not absorbed and therefore when wax is re-melted it can be changed into a new form without any problem.

A6 white painting card
Encaustic Art THE ORIGINAL A6 painting card is the ideal postcard sized format for greetings cards and any smaller artwork. The iron can cover the entire width in one pass, leaving no edge lines. This makes it easy for beginning to learn encaustic art and perfect for practice. Very popular and recommended as the best starting size.

A5 white painting card
Encaustic Art THE ORIGINAL A5 white painting card is a perfect size for the compact hotplate. It is a step above card making and a good size for smaller pictures and artwork.

A4 white painting card
Encaustic Art THE ORIGINAL A4 white painting card is a regular page type size. It allows bolder work, with the iron and is a good starting size for hot air work too. Can be cut to fit the entire compact hotplate or used on the electric hotplate with plenty of other space to spare.

A3 white painting card
Encaustic Art THE ORIGINAL A3 white painting card is popular as a picture / artwork size for wall decor, for selling, for a more serious piece of work. It easily fits on the electric hotplate with plentyof workspace around it.

Mixed A6, A5, A4 white painting card
Encaustic Art THE ORIGINAL mixed pack of white painting card contains a variety of A6, A5 and A4 card sizes. A perfect resupply pack.


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