Encaustic Art Painting Cards, lituð A5


1.690 kr.

Pappírsarkir sérstaklega hannaðar fyrir Encaustic Art vaxmálun
Blandaðir litir í A5 stærð, 21 x 14,8 cm

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Pappír sérstaklega hannaður fyrir Encaustic Art vaxmálun.

Húðaðar 250 g/m² pappírsarkir í blönduðum litum.

Stærð A5 (21 x 14,8 cm), fæst einnig í A4 stærð.

Pakkinn inniheldur 24 arkir

  • 4 svartar arkir
  • 4 rauðar arkir
  • 4 kremlitaðar arkir
  • 4 gylltar arkir
  • 4 silfraðar arkir
  • 4 bronslitaðar arkir


Gott er að hafa í huga að litaðar arkir eru  örlítið viðkvæmari fyrir miklum þrýstingi en hvítar arkir.

Aðrar upplýsingar



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Upplýsingar á ensku

Encaustic Art Coloured Card is single sided gloss colour 250gms weight. This coloured card has a carefully manufactured surface that makes it suitable for working with the iron and other heating tools, using the wax block colours. The waxes are not absorbed and therefore when wax is remelted it can be changed into a new form without any problem. This brings a completely different substrate to the encaustic art work, where the various colours offer different interaction with the wax colours.

Encaustic Art THE ORIGINAL mixed colour painting card brings an opportunity to explore 6 different coloured backgrounds. The card is single sides with a white non-painting surface on the back. Discover pastels on black card, vibrant fantasy on red card, subtle landscape on cream card, dark colours onto gold card, fantasy blues onto silver card, mirror like bronze brings something a little different.

These coloured cards can also be use to enhance your decorative presentation of any artwork and make interesting coloured borders to bring out the best in your final result.



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