Blýantar – KOH-I-NOOR – 12pk


1.390 kr.

Hágæða blýantar fyrir allar gerðir teikninga og skrift

Deila þessari vöru með vinum


Hágæða teikniblýantar frá KOH-I-NOOR sem henta fyrir allar gerðir af skissum, teikningum og skrift.

Í boði eru mismunandi gerðir af blýi, frá 4B sem er mjög mjúkt til 4H sem er mjög hart og allt þar á milli.

Blýantarnir eru sterkir og endingargóðir og með styrktu blýi svo að það brotni síður.

Seldir 12 í pakka en fást einnig í stykkjatali.

Aðrar upplýsingar



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Nánari lýsing

Gerðir í boði:

  • HB – miðlungs hart blý
  • B – mjúkt blý
  • 2B – miðlungs mjúkt blý
  • 3B – miðlungs mjúkt blý
  • 4B – mjög mjúkt blý
  • H – hart blý
  • 2H – miðlungs hart blý
  • 3H – miðlungs hart blý
  • 4H – mjög hart blý


Authentic quality product

  • drawing
  • sketching
  • illustrating
  • lightfast
  • high opacity
  • clean erasing
  • strong durable


These graphite pencils of a very high (artists / professional) quality, are produced by the renowned family business Koh-i-Noor Hartdmuth. This Czech company has been the worldwide leader of high quality products such as crayons, oil paint, charcoal, chalk, etc., for 225 years. They specialize in many levels of hardness?s. The hardness codes have been devised by the German Friedrich von Hardtmuth of this same Koh-I-Noor factory. He had thought that the H stands for hard (Hart in German), the B soft (Blei in German) and F (this is the current HB) for fine writing (Fein in German).

We offer you these pencils in the range of 4B (very soft) to 4H (very hard), so you can draw whatever you like, draw lines, sketches, shades etc. With a 4H pencil, you may sign or draw on stone and metal material. The soft pencils give you the possibility to create the volatility of charcoal and you can make shadows and depths. The colouring of large surfaces is done with a soft pencil. With the hard pencils you can make very detailed work with sharp turns and glossy lines. A hard pencil is harder to erase then a soft pencil. The pencils HB and H are most suitable for writing.

Graphite Pencils with an average Hardness (HB)
Suitable for many purposes, including writing.

Graphite Pencils with a Soft Lead (B)
The higher the number of B, the softer the lead. Suitable for, among other things, to create shadow and depth.

Graphite Pencils with a Hard Lead (H)
The higher the number of H, the harder the lead. Suitable for, among other things, drawing lines and detailed work.


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