Framlenging fyrir brjóstahaldara


1.500 kr.

Brjóstahaldaraframlengingar (bra extenders)
4 framlengingar í pakka

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Brjóstahaldaraframlengingar frá danska fyrirtækinu Carrywell.

Framlengingarnar henta sérstaklega vel á meðgöngu og yfir brjóstagjafatímabilið þegar stærð brjóstanna er breytileg.

Stök framlenging lengir ummál brjóstahaldara um u.þ.b. 2-5cm, en ef þörf er á meiri stækkun er auðveldlega hægt að nota tvær framlengingar saman.

Fjórar framlengingar saman í pakka, 2 hvítar og 2 svartar.

Aðrar upplýsingar



Upplýsingar á ensku

Introducing the Carriwell Bra Extender, a simple yet ingenious solution that brings comfort and flexibility to all your maternity and nursing bras. This set includes four bra extenders, each designed to effortlessly extend the band of your bra to accommodate your evolving body during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Embrace the versatility of these extenders as it seamlessly integrates with your existing nursing bra. With its user-friendly design, attaching the extender to the bra’s clips is a breeze. Simply clip the bra extender onto the existing fastening clips of your bra and secure it as you normally would.

Experience unparalleled comfort as you enjoy the perfect fit tailored to your changing needs. The extender allows for an adjustable and customized fit, ensuring optimal support and flexibility throughout your maternity and nursing journey.

Say goodbye to the discomfort and inconvenience of tight-fitting bras that no longer accommodate your growing body, and say hello to The Carriwell Bra Extender that provides a practical and cost-effective solution, eliminating the need to constantly purchase new bras as your size changes.

With the Carriwell Bra Extender, you can confidently wear your favorite nursing bras with ease and comfort. It’s a must-have accessory for every nursing mother seeking comfort and adaptability in her lingerie collection.

You can choose the Carriwell Bra Extender and experience the freedom of a comfortable and well-fitting bra, tailored to your changing body. Indulge in the flexibility and convenience it brings, allowing you to focus on the beautiful moments of motherhood without the discomfort of ill-fitting bras.

Upgrade your bra collection today with the Carriwell Bra Extender and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a perfect fit. Don’t let uncomfortable bras hold you back—discover the comfort and adaptability you deserve. Order now and experience the ultimate solution for maternity and nursing bras.


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